Presenting: African

The Unlikely Admiral

Jungle Encounter in Africa
Like a small tributary becomes a mighty river a little boy in a canoe
paddles his way to the ocean to become a man.
Pipe Baby

Encounters in Africa 2
Loud as bullfrogs and influential as Gandhi, Pipe Babies are a force to reckon with.
Cookie Bringer 
Encounters in Africa 1
Smuggling does not always involve automatic weapons or munitions of
war. Smuggling can mean a chocolate chip cookie.
Was Enough: From South Africa to Mozambique.

By Lorne Goulet
If you were approached by a mysterious woman, claiming to work for world
unity, and asked to fly political refugees out of Apartheid South Africa
would you go? Here is the story of one Canadian bush pilot who did!
the Cessna Caravan in West Africa: 
Float flying in the Niger River Delta.
The story about flying a Caravan in West African was originally written
for the Cessna Caravan News, (Vol. 10, No.3 Summer 1996.). You may have
already seen the edited version in the newsletter. Virtual Horizons will
now bring to you the full unedited version as it was intended to be
published, with some extra photos thrown in for good measure.
Days in a Cat: Inside Africa

By Chuck Ellsworth
A flying boat captain recounts the trials of ferrying a PBY Catalina up
the backbone of Africa. From South Africa to Saudi Arabia in four grueling
but memorable days.
Eye of the Elephant 
An Epic Adventure in the Africa Wilderness
Mark & Delia Owens used their bush planes extensively to monitor
African wildlife and actively stop poaching. Read what happens when you
cross the thin line between flying for a living and flying for life.
Wisdom of Wilderness 
Eight incredible stories of Tom Claytor's
encounters in Africa
Braving a solo existence in the sky, bush pilots are often the adventurers
that link the lonely inhabitants of distant lands. Soaring above the few
wild places left on our planet - across endless deserts, tangled jungles,
jagged mountains, treacherous plains of ice - these unique pioneers serve
as communication links for their "neighbours" residing in
desolate regions.
In December 1990, bush pilot Tom Claytor
set off from Philadelphia, USA on a journey. He is attempting to fly
around the world via all seven continents to visit the wilderness. The
pilot Charles Lindbergh believed that man could learn the most from
"the wisdom of wilderness".
Bush Pilot School

Anytime Anywhere
The Bush Pilot School offers advanced training to pilots from PPL level to ATP on how to fly a light aircraft in and out of short bush and mountain strips nestled amongst obstacles and at high elevations. Landing in unimproved area's, mountain flying, survival, precautionary & emergency landings

Cessna 206 over an African Delta.

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Editor John S Goulet
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Aviation Friends
The Bush Pilot
Company Contacts Last
modified on May
09, 2011 .
(c) Virtual Horizons, 1996.